Welcome to The Dicenomicon

The Dicenomicon is system of inter-related apps for macOS, iOS and iPadOS designed to aid in playing table top role playing games (TTRPG). They are designed to be game system agnostic, but include support for specific game systems.


theDicenomicon is the flagship app of the Dicenomicon family. Originally released in 2008, it has been completely rewritten from scratch using Swift and other modern technologies. If you are looking for something to just roll dice, or to manage your characters, theDicenomicon provides it.

dNsight is a macOS application designed for the game master to host playing TTRPG over a variety of video chat systems, such as Zoom and Skype. It supports both VTT support as well as “casting” a webcam, making it perfect to let the game master use miniatures and terrain virtually.

dNted is a token maker for virtual table tops - select your image, configure the frame (or reuse a frame style you previously made), and export as an image, ready to use in your favorite VTT

dNeyed is a simple vtt file editor, supporting the standard Universal Virtual Table Top (dd2vtt) file format, such as generated by DungeonDraft and others.It allows you to either take an existing image or existing dd2vtt file and then add/edit the line of size walls, doorways, and light sources.

dNgeon is a new twist on dungeon map creation - instead of being designed to make richly asseted detailed maps, it creates a quick and easy “bluprint”, focused primarily for the game master - including marking room, encounters, and the like.

dNland is a hex map editor with support for multiple layers and procedural terrain generation. It is designed for the game master first and foremost, and not cartographic works of art.

dNcity is a city map making program, designed to procedurally generate - and edit - cities of a wide range of sizes, all the way down to individual buildings.


While full documentation is embedded in all apps, here are some samples of that documentation presented as a web page.

Dice can be a simple as “roll a single six sided die” or as complicated as “roll four six side dice and keep the three highest (and add the rest together)” or “roll a six sided die and an eight sided die, reroll any ones that show up, total them and also note the highest die”. theDicenomicon support all of these an so much more.

InnCant is a simple scripting language designed to express “favorite roll formulas” by specifying die rolls and basic operations and control structures to convert those rolls to meaningful results.

Created with Ignite