Product IcondNeyed

dNEeyed screenshot

Public Test Flight: Link

dNeyed is a simple vtt file editor, supporting the standard Universal Virtual Table Top (dd2vtt) file format, such as generated by DungeonDraft and others.It allows you to either take an existing image or existing dd2vtt file and then add/edit the line of size walls, doorways, and light sources.

The resulting dd2vtt file can be used in a variety of virtual table top applications, including:

and others!

Important: Some VTTs require special third party apps or additional steps to import dd2vtt files. Please see your VTT documentation for additional details.

But what exactly is a dd2vtt file?

Universal VTT files (dd2vtt) were originally created by the DungeonDraft map making app. It is a way to export the raw background images with additional details describing walls that block line of sight, objects that block line of sight, portals (doors), lights, and other properties. It allows a VTT to use the generated image and that additional data to display light of sight, handle movement blocking, and other dynamic environment details. It is a simple JSON based text file, making it a simple universal file format that can be easily handled by a variety of clients.

However, up until now, there is no simple, free editor available for macOS and iOS that allows the creation/editing of these files. There may be a perfect battle map, but without wall information, it is just a fancy background.


dNeyed runs on both macOS (version 13.x or newer) and iOS/iPadOS (version 16.x or newer). Note that for best results, a pencil is recommended for iPadOS, since it is difficult to edit smaller detail with a finger.

Created with Ignite